Science And Nature Museum (Muséum de Bordeaux – sciences et nature)

More than just a building full of artifacts; this Bordeaux Museum is a story of evolution, of a person’s place in nature, and a testament to humanity's curiosity about the world we inhabit.

Established in 1791, the ‘Muséum de Bordeaux – sciences et nature’ is more than just a building full of artifacts; it’s a story of evolution, of a person’s place in nature, and a testament to humanity’s curiosity about the world we inhabit.

The Bordeaux Museum’s legacy spans over two centuries. Founded in the late 18th century, it now boasts over a million specimens, making it one of the largest of its kind in France. The museum’s recent renovation and enlargement, completed in 2019, have transformed it into a contemporary marvel, seamlessly merging its architectural heritage with modern museography.

Nestled within the Hôtel de Lisleferme in Bordeaux’s Public Garden, the museum’s location is both picturesque and convenient. Open from Tuesday to Sunday, visitors should check the museum’s website for the most recent timings. And while there’s a fee to enter, the museum offers discounts and an annual pass for frequent visitors.

As you step into the museum, you’re immediately greeted by an exploration into biodiversity—how nature is perceived by humanity. Spanning from the lobby to the second floor in the Souverbie Gallery, the permanent exhibition captivates with its many colors, sizes, and natural environments.

The thematic exhibits act as a microcosm of the broader world, highlighting the Aquitaine Coast’s ecological importance, revealing the intricate balance of the animal food chain in “Eat me, if you can!”, and delighting the young—and young at heart—with the “All Babies” exhibit.

The Fascination of Stuffed Animal Species

One of the museum’s most enthralling sections is its collection of 3,500 stuffed animal species. Standing tall among these is a majestic giraffe and a formidable polar bear, each telling tales of distant lands and ecosystems. These specimens not only serve an aesthetic purpose but also provide valuable insights into the animals’ natural habitats, behaviors, and evolutionary histories.

Educational Endeavors

The museum’s commitment to education shines brightly. School groups are treated to an enriching array of activities tailored to various age groups. Interactive workshops foster a hands-on learning experience, while the ‘Musée des tout-petits’, designed for children under six, offers an enchanting introduction to the wonders of nature.

An Engaging Museum Experience for All

The museum’s renovations have elevated the visitor experience to new heights. Interactive devices and multimedia shows beckon, ensuring each visit is not merely observational but truly immersive, making it not merely a place; it’s an experience. As you traverse its halls, interact with its exhibits, and marvel at its collections, you’re not just witnessing the tapestry of life on Earth—you’re becoming a part of its ever-evolving story.

So, whether you’re a seasoned traveler or visiting Bordeaux for the first time, this museum stands as a beacon of knowledge, discovery, and sheer wonder. Dive in, explore, and let your curiosity run wild in this celebration of science, nature, and art.

LOCAL TIP: After delving into the depths of natural history, a stroll in the neighboring Jardin Public is the perfect palette cleanser. This sprawling park, with its tranquil ponds, verdant landscapes, and historical edifices, offers a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

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Tuesday to Sunday
5 Place Bardineau,
33000 Bordeaux
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