Place du Parlement

The historic heart of Bordeaux
Place du Parlement

Thus named in commemoration of the Bordeaux Parliament that existed from the 15th century to 1790, when it was dissolved definitively in the revolutionary fervour that had gripped France.

This is one of the most beautiful squares in Bordeaux, designed in the Italian style with an elegant fountain in the centre. If you place yourself by the fountain and look at the buildings that form the square, you will notice some sculpted stone heads that can actually be found in their thousands all over the city. These are called mascarons

Like much of the city, the grand buildings in this square date from the 18th century (the fountain came one hundred years later.

Place du Parlement is right in the heart of the old town, and it’s lined with restaurant terrasses where locals and tourists love to sit in the open air and soak up the atmosphere.

The square is a fine meeting point, as it’s in the centre of everything and close to many bars and restaurants… not to mention the fact that it’s gorgeous!



Place St. Pierre
Place de la Bourse
Musée National des Douanes
Rue Ste. Catherine

Le Bar du Boucher
The Houses of Parliament
Rustic Vines
L’Alchimiste Gintoneria

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Place du Parlement,
33000 Bordeaux
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